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Transforming ad space into thermal relief

Global warming has created spikes in temperature that were unthinkable just a few decades ago. Darker roofs can get up to 170 degrees on a hot day affecting poorer communities disproportionately. Painting roofs with a special reflective white paint reduces this absorption of solar radiation while lowering the internal temperatures of buildings.

Ads nobody can see but everybody can feel

To draw attention to the cooling benefits of using these reflective paints, we created the world's first out-of-home advertising campaign not meant to be seen, but only felt.

Tim og Kure markedsføring.jpg

Each roof was painted with a different message to raise awareness around the benefits of these reflective roofs – including reducing AC cooling costs. More than 36,000 sq. ft. of roofs were painted – the equivalent of 90 average-sized billboards, helping cool down an entire community.


We also designed a custom typeface that covers 95% of a surface area further maximizing the cooling properties of the the billboards.

Case Study

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